About Me

Hi, I’m Kelsey.
Welcome to our little corner of the world.


I am a wife to the most handsome man.
Mama to the two silliest long haired boys.


A photographer, a writer, and above all else, a daughter of the king.

I am so very glad that you happened upon this little blog and I hope what you find here will connect with your heart, refresh your soul and remind you that you are not alone on this crazy motherhood journey.

I love hearing from you so please feel free to comment, join the conversation on our facebook page, {Johnny and Ginger.}, visit me on instagram {@johnnyandginger} or email me at (kelseycolephotography@gmail.com)

Wishing you a day filled with love and lots of belly laughs, from our family to yours.


4 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi!
    I just saw two of the sweetest little crocheted heart blankets on Instagram that you made for kcstaufer ‘s twins.
    Do you have a shop? Can I order these from you online?

  2. Hi there,

    I just stumbled upon your article regarding your fear (or previous fear of peanuts). I am actually allergic to peanuts although I am not aware of the severity as I haven’t had a reaction since I was a younger. I have also had issues with anxiety and panic.

    Over the past couple of years I have developed extreme OCD around peanuts and allergies. I get paranoid and think I am doing to die and worry about being near them. I am even too scared to walk past the local Indian takeaway because of the smell and I fear a reaction. My life has become unbearable. I used to have a job and function like a normal person. Now I am too scared to work or even kiss or date anyone as I get paranoid as to whether they have eaten nuts or that we will have to go for food (I am unable to eat out due to fear and can only eat when I cook myself. I also eat the same food all the time. Eating is now a chore.

    I am deeply ashamed, embarrassed and humiliated by this and cannot speak to anyone due to fear of being laughed at about this.

    Kind regards,
    Ryan W
    Northern Ireland

i'd love to hear from you!